Solar Hot Water

BUILDEX Vancouver Tradeshow

2016-09-21T21:36:20-07:00August 7th, 2015|

For those of you in the Vancouver area, Terratek will once again be attending the annual BUILDEX Vancouver Tradeshow on February 19th and 20th (that’s this Wednesday and Thursday), held at the Vancouver Convention Centre West. If you are able to make it, please stop by to say hello. We hope to see as many [...]

BC Hydro Rate Increase Forecast for next 10 Years

2016-09-21T20:28:17-07:00August 7th, 2015|

It is official - BC Hydro rates are increasing significantly over the next decade. As of April next year there will be an increase of 9%, followed by a further 6% in 2015 and resulting with a total increase of 28% over the next 5 years. To read more on the increased rates click here.

Quick Self-Assessment: Is Solar Hot Water Right for You?

2020-03-09T16:34:10-07:00August 7th, 2015|

Did you know that in Canada, hot water is the second highest energy demand in an average household? According to Environment Canada it represents about 25-35% of total energy consumption in BC homes. That’s a lot of hot water! Installing a solar hot water system offers one of the most cost-effective renewable energy solutions to [...]

The Sky’s the Limit for Victoria General Hospital Solar Savings

2020-03-09T16:34:10-07:00August 7th, 2015|

The Victoria General Hospital made excellent use of their solar hot water system this summer. According to the SunReports renewable energy monitor that was installed on the system, theperformance for July 3 shows a production of 583.79 Kilowatt hours (kWhs). This translates into an energy savings big enough to power 23 homes for a day, [...]

One of BC’s Smallest School Districts Goes Big With Solar

2020-03-09T16:34:11-07:00August 7th, 2015|

While the solar PV system at Sk'aavgaa naay Elementary School in Skidegate, on Haida Gwaii has only been installed for just over a month, the savings are already accumulating. Environmental equivalents achieved include enough energy to power a TV for 14,706 hours, or to power 16 computers for one year. Total greenhouse gases avoided to [...]

May Newsletter: Spring Roundup

2020-03-09T16:34:11-07:00August 7th, 2015|

  Welcome to Spring! It's great to see the sun out again, and feel the temperature warming up. We've had a busy few months, recently finishing up several solar electric installations with the Comox Valley Regional District. Read the story here... It's also time to start thinking about the cost-effective and highly efficient option of [...]

New Terratek Service: Certified Energy Management

2020-03-09T16:34:11-07:00August 7th, 2015|

Terratek is pleased to announce the recent qualification of principal Scott Fleenor as a Certified Energy Manager (CEM). This designation recognizes individuals who have demonstrated high levels of experience, competence and proficiency in the energy management profession. "It allows us to further help our customers save energy," says Scott. "We can now break down a [...]