here was a real buzz at the Heritage Hall in Dunacan Last Sunday, where 250 citizens of the Cowichan Valley met during a Solar Energy Workshop to learn about solar hot water. 77 Citizens signed up for a solar hot water bulk buy while talking with genuine interest to solar contractors, listening to guest speakers and posing questions in a public forum. “This was a fantastic response,” said Peter Nix, spokesperson for the Cowichan Carbon Busters, a group of proactive citizens who organized the workshop. “Such a large turnout on a beautiful Sunday afternoon indicates that many people now understand the need to act on climate change issues – there has been enough talk.” “The interest in our program was enormous,” mirrors Nitya Harris, Executive Director of SolarBC. “It was standing room only, a great session!” Also there with booths were SolarBC Registered Installers Pacific Solar Smart Homes, Ark Homeworks and 2008 SolarBC Installer of the Year winner, TerraTek Energy Solutions. “It is a credit to the Cowichan Valley that so many local people want to step forward and show individual leadership on this crucial issue,” said guest speaker and BCSEA president Guy Dauncey, at the event.