VANCOUVER – Solar might be the renewable energy source that “can’t get no respect,” to borrow Rodney Dangerfield’s line.

Costs — while steadily dropping — are viewed as a major obstacle to widespread adoption, and solar didn’t rate much of a mention in the B.C. government’s Clean Energy Act, adopted last year, according to speakers at the Solar West 2011 conference and trade show in Vancouver.

The B.C. solar energy industry plans to boost its public and government profile with an awareness campaign called “Stand Up For Solar,” launched Tuesday at the conference.

“The message in B.C. and elsewhere is ‘Get on the train now,’ because when solar is conventional energy, the jurisdictions that invest first are going to see industrial development in jobs that other jurisdictions are not going to see,” Jon Kieran, chairman of the Canadian Solar Industries Association, told conference delegates.

One of the backdrops to the PR offensive is Ontario’s Green Energy Act, which has vaulted the province into a world leadership position in renewable energy by using subsidies to lure billions of dollars of investment in wind and solar power. B.C. has opted to focus on low taxes and targeted funding rather than financial incentives.

The Ontario strategy has also become a political hot potato in the run-up to the Oct. 6 provincial election, with the opposition Progressive Conservatives threatening to scrap the subsidies.

Mark Jaccard, professor of sustainable energy at Simon Fraser University, told delegates that solar has great potential due to improved economics, the global thirst for energy and the need to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

But he cautioned those in the fast-growing industry to temper expectations and to avoid “delusions” and the universal tendency to be overly optimistic in their quest to develop clean energy.

“Abandon the delusion that solar can soon compete with fossil fuels for more than niche markets,” Jaccard said. “They’re using the atmosphere as a free waste receptacle. You’re not.”

In 1985, solar was expected to be cost-competitive with fossil-fuel-based energy by 2000, he said. Similarly optimistic projections are around today, Jaccard noted, such as the belief that solar will no longer need government incentives by 2025.

One challenge for the renewable energy industry is the vast resource of natural gas that exists in North America and other areas of the world. Fossil fuels are plentiful and likely to remain cheap, Jaccard said.

Another delusion is “naive financial analysis” that doesn’t factor in the extra costs and higher risk of investments with a long payback, Jaccard said. A homeowner, for example, is more likely to opt for a more efficient gas furnace and see an immediate drop in their energy bill than install costly solar panels.

Effective climate policy requires higher subsidies for clean energy and more aggressive emissions pricing, he asserted, and lobbying becomes critical because politicians won’t act without pressure from the industry and the public.

Jaccard advised the solar industry to aggressively lobby politicians for regulations requiring solar applications in new buildings and retrofits for existing buildings. Such technologies would be economic if emissions were priced properly, he said.

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