

Naturally we are asked a lot of questions. Here are our top Frequently Asked Questions from the past 15 years.

How Does Solar Electric Work?2020-04-09T18:01:32-07:00

Most solar electric (also known as photovoltaic) systems for residential customers are done through the BC Hydro Net Metering programs.

Net metering means you receive credit for the power you generate, decreasing your electricity bill. If solar is not providing all of the energy, the grid will supply rest.

Net Metering graphic

Do I Have To Have Batteries To Generate My Own Power?2020-04-07T20:14:50-07:00

This is a common misconception. With the BC Hydro you can produce your own power while still being connected to the grid, and do so without the need for batteries.

The utility is the system’s storage.

How Much Does a Typical Solar System Cost?2020-04-09T18:01:10-07:00

The average system we install residential is around 5 kilowatts and produces approximately 5,500kW hours per year.  This grid tie system costs around $14,000 fully installed.

What Is Solar’s ROI?2020-03-12T22:31:36-07:00

Over 25 years a system could result in an Internal Rate of Return of between 3.5% and 7.5%, out performing many types of investments.

The return is dependent on a few variables: your location’s sun-hours, the size of the system, the electricity rate that you pay, and how many kilowatt-hours you consume over a year.

Are There Any Incentives For Solar?2020-03-12T22:30:21-07:00

BC offers a PST exemption on renewable energy systems.

For businesses who add solar, the federal government offers accelerated depreciation. To learn more, click here.

How Big Of A System Do I Need?2020-03-12T22:29:57-07:00

Typically, when dealing with home solar systems, we look at four different variables:

  • How much of your electric bill do you want to offset?
  • How much south facing roof space is available?
  • Do you have a budget in mind?
  • What size is your electrical service?

Because those variables are different for everyone, and because different clients use different amounts of electricity, all home solar systems are custom designed to meet your needs.

How long does the System Last?2020-03-12T22:29:17-07:00

Modules are virtually maintenance free and very long lasting (most manufacturers offer 25 year warranties) with a 30+ year lifespan.

I Plan To Build And May Want To Add One Of These Systems Down The Road. Should I Do Anything To Prepare?2020-03-12T22:29:03-07:00

We encourage you to make your house “solar ready.” Have some conduit or appropriately sized cables installed from the attic space to the electrical room (or area where your main service panel will sit).

That way, should you choose to install solar at a later date, the installation will be a lot easier, cleaner looking and less expensive.

We offer anyone building a new home a free review of their plans to find out their solar potential and review their solar ready rough-in.

Does Solar Operate During Power Outages?2020-03-12T22:27:14-07:00

Without having a battery the system needs to shut off for safety reasons on the grid side.

How Can I Have Backup Electricity During Power Outages?2020-03-12T22:26:43-07:00

You would need some form of battery backup system like the Tesla Powerwalls that we install.

How Long Does A Battery Operate?2020-03-12T22:26:29-07:00

Depending on usage, it is not uncommon for one Powerwall to last over a day.

Can I Charge A Battery Bank With Solar?2020-03-12T22:25:54-07:00

Yes. The two work in tandem charging the battery during times of solar production.


Looking for a full design build package or a community system design? Terratek Energy’s vast experience can work with you to develop the plan that’s right for you.


Looking for a full design build package or a community system design? Terratek Energy’s vast experience can work with you to develop the plan that’s right for you.