Our choice to go Solar for preheating our hot water was one way of helping reduce carbon emissions and ozone layer depletion by harnessing free, non-environmentally damaging solar energy. We are both retired but went ahead through TerraTek regardless of whether or not we would be around long enough to recover installation costs. The Government grants and general assistance of Solar B.C. were also a big incentive. The Installation process was a good experience in that the TerraTek Guys who did the job were most personable, obliging and informative. Inconvenience during installation was minimal: just a few minutes with just a trickle from our taps. The single panel on our garage roof goes almost unnoticed – in fact I wouldn’t mind it being more noticeable to tell the world we’ve gone solar!!! And the extra tank and related bits and pieces sit alongside our original tank, taking very little space while doubling our available hot water supply, reducing our future electricity bills and most importantly helping our planet for the future good of our children and grandchildren. Many thanks for the opportunity to “spread the word.”
– Peter and Heather Lord, Duncan
